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What is the NFL all day NFTS pack?

The NFL All Day NFTs pack consists of a series of videos of the best NFL highlights that will be saved on the Flow blockchain technology for life. The company behind the NFL All Day NFTs is called Dapper Labs, and it has quite a resumé when it comes to creating NFTs and managing its execution.

Will NFL all day use blockchain & NFT?

There will be many blockchain and NFT discussions amongst family members on Thursday, between these NFL promotions and even the Macy’s parade. NFL All Day will use the Dapper Labs Flow blockchain just like Top Shot, with the trading and showcasing of Moments happening on the All Day platform.

What is a rare NFL all day moment?

Common (About 92% of all Moments): The basic primer of any NFL All Day Moments collection with mint counts between 4,000 and 10,000. Rare (About 8% of all Moments): Mid-tier moments with mint counts of 499 to 1,200. Legendary (About 0.17% of all Moments): Very rare and highly desired Moments.

How do I buy NFL All Day Moments?

Moments can either be purchased through packs in various NFL All Day drops — which are announced via email, social media, and Discord — or through the All Day marketplace, where fans from all over the world buy and sell around the clock.

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